Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint is a web application platform developed by Microsoft. It is designed as a centralized replacement for multiple web applications and supports various combinations of enterprise website requirements. It is typically associated with web content management and document management systems.

SharePoint’s multi-purpose platform allows for managing and provisioning of intranet portals, extranets and websites, document management and file management, collaboration spaces, social networking tools, enterprise search, business intelligence tooling, process/information integration, and third-party developed solutions. SharePoint can also be used as a web application development platform.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server is an enterprise information portal that’s designed to improve a company’s efficiency and effectiveness through content management, enterprise search and file and information sharing. SharePoint’s single, integrated platform supports Intranet, Internet and Extranet sites without replacing your existing sites.

Who should use SharePoint? SharePoint is ideal for anyone who wants to operate their business more efficiently – from small groups to cross-functional teams to entire organizations. Those who might benefit most from SharePoint’s collaborative environment include individuals, teams and projects within medium to large companies.

Why should we use SharePoint? Get more done in less time, with the peace of mind knowing that your documents and processes are secure, yet accessible to the people who need them. That’s just part of the benefit of implementing Microsoft SharePoint into your collaborative business environment. Microsoft SharePoint allows businesses to save, store and retrieve files from one central location, helping you to further facilitate a shared environment, no matter where employees are located.

How does my company benefit from using SharePoint? As companies grow, so does the amount of their files. It can become increasingly difficult to manage documents and maintain version control. Microsoft Office SharePoint overcomes these common business concerns by creating one central location where you can save, store and retrieve files. Employees benefit from the familiarity, consistency and ease of use of a single environment for all their information and collaborative tasks. In addition, your IT department will benefit from a single platform and well-integrated technologies to manager and lower user support requirements.